Filming schedule

Filming schedule 

 date start and end time   location  frame number and scene outline  equipment and prop needed 
 1/11/2020 14:00-16:30 "dinning rom"(set up) 
 11,12,13 lighting equipment, table, blue paper, white bread with crust, red jam, knife, plate
 2/11/2020 15:00-16;00 dinning room  18 lighting equipment, tomato, blue paper, table  
 5/11/2020 14;15-15:45 dinning room  2,34,,5,6,7,8, lighting equipment, watermelon mask, watermelon, pink backdrop, plate, blue cloth 
 10/11/2020 15:00-16:00unknown setting  18tomato, blue paper, lamp light. 
12/11/2020 15:30-16:00 "unknown setting" on a table  19 lighting equipment, pink paper, apple core, table 
 13/1/202015:30-15:50  dinning room14tomato, pink backdrop 
 15/11/2020 14:00-14:50 unknown setting  18 (redo), 24 tomato, blue paper, table, blue cloth
 16/11/2020 14:45-16:50 unknown setting , 20 bread crust, matches, blue, red and pink paper, candle, table  
 17/11/202011:00-14:10 unknown setting  , 32, 33,34,35 20(redo) bread crust, matches, blue,  and pink paper, oven tray, red paper, table, plate, watermelon seeds, red dye, water, lamp
 17/11/2020 13:00-14:00 dinning room  9, 36, 37 red apple, pink backdrop, table, note book, red pen 
 19/11/2020 13:00-13:20  dining room  10 red apple, blue table cloth 
 19/11/2020 14:00-14:50 dining room  22,23 hair straightener, bread crust, table, table cloth  
 17/11/2020 14:00-15:30 dining room  15,16,17 
fish bowl, red fish, red dye, table, table cloth, water, lamp 

20/11/2020                    13:00-15:00           dining room             25,26,27,28,29,30          plates, cooked noodles, red dye, water, chopsticks, blue cloth, pink backdrop, table, lamp


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