lockdown notes


my first worry about making my short film in lockdown was the lack of actors, as the original plan, the scene at the family gathering, I wanted to have two other people sitting at the table (can only see their hands). However, due to the restrictions at the time, I couldn't have people outside my household over to film, which meant I had to use my family members (dad and sister) for the whole film. I was very lucky that my family were up for the task of acting despite not having done so before, especially my sister who was the lead actress.  This meant for the family gathering scene I could only have used my main actress (krittika) in the scene. The scene where Krittika is seen having her cheek pinched and pulled by her relatives was also changed as at the start, I intended for the hands to be female hands due to the Thai voice being female, however,  because of the restrictions I had to use my dads hands instead.  The 2nd and 3rd ACT of my film has a harsher and more artificial lighting compared to the first ACT, however, due to the lack of equipment and experience, I first assumed having one white light from a table lamp would be enough. However, while filming these scenes, I faced issues that I didn't think thoroughly of at the start, as in particular scenes and angles, the light would cause unwanted shadows. I tried to solve this by trying out different angles and positions, but in some scenes, it was nearly impossible to keep the consistent harsh lighting due to the angles I wanted to film at. I did try and fix this through making the colour in these scenes more gritty, by using a green and blue tint, as it also showed a contrast to the first scene, where the colour scheme was much warmer and light hearted. 


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